Personalized Medical Care for Weight Loss
Weigh to Wellness Denver provides the experience, support and necessary tools for achieving and maintaining a healthy body weight. We see adult and pediatric patients who are overweight, struggle with obesity or changing nutritional needs due to a health condition or disease.
“Weight loss looks different for each person. We meet people where they are to create personalized plans and bring about lasting change.”
— Dr. Rebecca Andrick
Our story…
Dr. Rebecca Andrick understands the complexities of obesity and the struggles people face when trying to lose weight. Growing up with a father with severe obesity helped her develop empathy for the stigma and trials that overweight people face every day. “My dad couldn’t sit in chairs that most people fit into,” Dr. Andrick recalls. “He suffered from sleep apnea and had to get knee replacement surgery when the extra weight destroyed his joints.” At the time, Dr. Andrick didn’t know how much of an impact her childhood experiences would have on her future decision to become an obesity medicine specialist…