Sleep Hygiene- Why Is Sleep So Important?

Do you ever struggle with getting 7-9 hours of sleep per night? Well, you’re not alone! Keep reading to learn some tips and tricks to improve sleep, and find out why we should be hitting these magic numbers as often as possible.

If we aren’t getting 7-9 hours of quality sleep, here’s how the body might react:

  • Increased levels of ghrelin (hunger hormone)

  • Increased desire to consume calorie dense foods (high fat, salty and sweet foods)

  • Decreased physical activity, due to lack of energy and motivation

  • Decreased time in deep sleep (renew and repair stage of sleep)

  • Decreased ability to make ATP (energy)

Many adults claim less than 6 hours of sleep allows them to function normally, is this fact or fiction?

According to sleep experts, it is extremely rare for anyone to need fewer than 6 hours of sleep to function. Studies have shown that although some might feel perfectly normal with few hours of sleep, they are simply accustomed to the effects of sleep deprivation. How is this so? Well, functional decline can happen very gradually, meaning the body slowly acclimates to the mental and physical effects of lack of sleep. Some people have a rare genetic mutation that allows them to function normally with less than 6 hours of sleep; however, the idea that you can train yourself to need less sleep is a myth.

Tips for getting more sleep:

  • Exercising regularly

  • Stop drinking alcohol at least 4 hours before bed time

  • Stop drinking caffeine (coffee, caffeinated tea, chocolate, etc.) at least 6 hours before bed time

  • Refrain from drinking more than small sips of water 2 hours before bed time to help prevent bathroom trips during sleep

  • Eat a well balanced diet, high in fiber (at least 25g for women and 35g for men)

  • Create a relaxing bed time routine

  • Ensure your room is quiet, dark, and at a comfortable temperature

  • Listen to binaural beats on You Tube or any music streaming apps before bed

  • Take a warm bath

  • Try some relaxation exercises before bed such as deep breathing, yoga and meditation

Stay tuned for more posts about how to improve energy and wellness.

Happy sleeping!


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